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The WonderMarQ is designed to be a city of festivities, wonders and delights where you get to experience a different and one of a kind lifestyle. Fascination is the key feeling you’ll get when wandering around one of the most magical and aesthetic places.


The WonderMarQ is a place like no other. A fine example of combining sophistication with practicality, privacy with accessibility and art with a fully integrated urban community. Meticulously master-planned residential clusters overlooking water features, gardens, valleys and colorful hardscape streets provide a unique blend of city life entrenched in the tranquil aspects of nature.

Location like no other

A gated community designed to convey the feelings to inclusivity and familiarity, all while having exclusive and unique zones with different styles and features.

Master Plan

The WonderMarQ is a place like no other. A fine example of combining sophistication with practicality, privacy with accessibility and art with a fully integrated urban community. Meticulously master-planned


Wonder Eye

Ferris wheel that will transcend your experience at The WonderMarQ and take it to the next level. It is where you’ll get to see everything from above and take in the whole bigger picture.
The Wonder Eye is the embellishment of The WonderMarQ and final piece of the puzzle that is connecting both the artistic and entertainment sides together.

Water Canals

The MarQ Communities focuses on the natural assets of its projects and that’s why in the WonderMarQ, a great emphasis is put on the water features with several canals traversing through the project. The canals are designed to inspire the feelings of calmness and tranquility


Coworking spaces with multipurpose uses are one of the WonderMarQ’s many features as they are designed to accommodate many tenants at once while keeping their comfort in mind.



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